World War Two Air Raid Shelter Signs

Around Bermondsey, original World War Two air raid shelter signs still point to where people took refuge from bombs being dropped during the Blitz and later from flying bombs (see Bermondsey War Map).

Bomb Damage In World War Two

Bermondsey, located in the capital’s heart with its important railway lines, docks and factories was always going to be a target. The London Bomb Damage Maps show colour coded damage to buildings. Layers of London have the maps on show.

Bermondsey, seen on the London County Council Bomb Damage Maps that show damage to individual buildings during the World War Two Blitz.
Bermondsey, seen on the London County Council Bomb Damage Maps that show damage to individual buildings during the World War Two Blitz.

Druid Street Original Air Raid Shelter Signs

In Druid street, at the junction with Tower Bridge Road, has the easiest to find signs. The signs are located opposite the line of railway arches going into London Bridge station.

Nearby is the blue plaque commemorating the air raid shelter bombing which was located in one of the railway arches.

Original air raid shelter signs highlighted and magnified seen on a block of flats in Druid Street, Bermondsey, London
Original air raid shelter signs highlighted and magnified

Travelling East along Druid Street, on the same block of flats there are two further original air raid shelter signs from World War Two.

Original air raid shelter sign sign in the middle of the picture on block of flats in Druid Street, Bermondsey, London
Original air raid shelter sign sign in the middle of the picture
Original air raid shelter sign beneath the satellite dishes on a block of flats in Druid Street, Bermondsey, London
Original air raid shelter sign beneath the satellite dishes

Bomb Damage To Railway Arch

Over the road, on the railway bridge bomb, bomb damage can be clearly seen in the bridge’s stone work. This was caused by bombs dropped by enemy aircraft or by a V1 Doddlebug flying bomb which exploded nearby. Across London, Blitz bomb damage can still be seen on many old buildings, most famously on the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Bomb damage on the railway arch at the junction of Druid Street and Tower Bridge Road in Bermondsey, London
Bomb damage on the railway arch at the junction of Druid Street and Tower Bridge Road in Bermondsey

Google Maps link to one of the original air raid shelter signs in Druid Street:,-0.0777295,3a,21.2y,39.73h,85.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s20RrUhafiv-hQtFU-jcUkQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192